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    Monday, March 3, 2008

    It's Too LATE!!!

    By that, I mean it's almost 1:30 in the morning, and I have to be up in less than 5 hours for work, and I'm really not great on less than 8 hours of sleep and I can't seem to GET THERE!!! Spent this weekend working on my apartment. I've been here for almost 6 months and I still didn't have anything on the walls and still had several boxes left to figure out where the hell to put the contents. So, my bud, the Divine Miss M came over and "supervised" for most of the weekend. You have NO idea how much I appreciate that, because I wouldn't have done shit had she not been here. But I got boxes emptied, and I was actually able to run the new Roomba in the living room (damn, those things pick up LOTS of stuff you didn't even know was there. . .), and the laundry is done, I just have to finish getting stuff on the walls and figure out where the hell to put the crafty crap that's floating around the craft room. THAT'S gonna be fun. But I've decided to have a get together over here this next Saturday, and I've invited all my friends, and this place has GOT to look good before then. Nothing like that kind of prompting to make you move your ass!!!

    Thank gawd the weather was nice today, as the A/C here didn't seem to want to cool. It's been sitting at around 80 in my apartment all day, and for a fat girl who is trying to clean up, that gets really uncomfortable really fucking quickly. I dug into the A/C unit tonight to see if maybe it was that the filter needed changing or something of the sort, but it seems that somewhere along the line the sucker froze up. There was ice on it. Uh, WHOOPS! So, I've let it sit for a while and hopefully it will work when I turn it back on. I don't care how nice the temperature is here right now, and a nice 70 degrees, at 120% humidity, it's fucking MISERABLE!!! So, maybe the temp in my apartment will lower a bit now. I can hope. Maybe that will help me get to sleep. Maybe I should just think about filing things here in the crafty crap room. That will probably help me nod off. . .

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