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    Tuesday, February 5, 2008

    Boys, look the other way

    Unless, of course, you don't mind reading about girlie bits.

    Anyway, so I seem to have this way of figuring out when I'm either ovulating or PMS'ing. I do believe it's more of the middle of the month type thing. I start looking at men like they were the side of beef I was so craving a week or so ago. I realize that I start looking at the guys around me, thinking who is cute, who isn't, who is interesting, who isn't, who I wouldn't mind spending an extended, extended, extended amount of time with, and who I would just like to club over the head and take home to keep on a tether in my bedroom. Just Mother Natures subtle hint for procreation. I've nixed that idea, totally, but I wouldn't mind the, ahem, activities.

    Anybody else notice this at all, or am I just nuts? (oh, wait, that goes without saying.)


    BipolarLawyerCook said...

    Nope, happens to me, too, the two days before I get it.

    Mike Golch said...

    so you think your "nuts" huh? well news flash so is every body else on the earth,it is just the degree and how we cpe with it.Have a good day!