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    Tuesday, April 1, 2008

    Pollen Borg

    Im sitting here at my desk, on the 9th floor of the building, facing out the window, when some weather blows in. I'm thinking maybe it's a dust storm. I've seen those come through before, it's really odd to watch. But as this yellow cloud moves closer, I realize, it's not dust. The wind is whipping the pollen off of the freaking oak trees. It's a HUGE cloud of oak pollen, and it's only getting bigger as it goes along. I'm watching the trees start waving in the wind, and then all of the sudden, a denser yellow cloud makes is way from the tree to join the rest of the crowd. I don't know if maybe there is something in the trees that says "hey, they are pollinating, I should too!" or if it was just the way the wind was blowing, but I swear, it happened sequentially through the trees. (does that even make sense?) Yeah, I think it's time for food. . . But that means I have to go out there. . .