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    Monday, June 16, 2008

    Missing you. . .

    Sandwiches, especially burgers, just aren't right without tomatoes!!!

    Thursday, June 12, 2008

    that' not a migraine!!!

    That's FUCKING viral meningitis!!!

    emergency room

    Its 12:10 in the morning on s thursday and I just sat through one of my best friends getting a spinal tap. Not anything I ever want to do again. I wish that I didn't have such a hard time with actual medical proceedures, but I ended up with that adrenaline rush that almost had me passed out. Both of us were green. She's passed out again from the second round of pain killer theygave her. The demerol didn't do much good, so they went to dilaudid (at least that's what I think it was.
    She called me at 6:20 this afternoon and I couldn't understand her because she was sobbing. I thought something had happened to one of her cats, but she was in pain. Got my heart racing and had me pretty well FREAKED!!! Got to her place, got her loaded into the car and drove like a bat out of hell to the er.
    Finally after one of the nursed mentioned it, I realized its probably a migraine. I guess we need to make sure she gets to a neurologist, cause she has NO pain threshold what-so-ever. Glad I had that coke around 10!